
How To Make Money With Marvelous Designer

What openhearted of 3D work make out you do?

I speciate in creating realistic, dynamic 3D clothing in Marvelous Designer and teaching others how to use the program and make clothes.

As the Co-Founder of CG Elves, I created the first and highly-acclaimed online grooming program for Tall Designer.

Over 30,000 artists also as top studios make well-read MD with my training.

Our clients include EA, Saatchi & Saatchi, Squeeze, Oculus, Crystal Dynamics, Virgo the Virgin Media, Kite & Lightning, Hi-Rez Studios, a Warner Bros game studio apartment, Rocksteady, and more.

What is Marvelous Designer and WHO uses it?

Marvelous Designer is a popular 3D software used by many artists to create dynamic 3D clothing for video games, 3D art, DAZ/Poseur, iClone, 3D animations, VR experiences, digital doubles in films and many.

MD is utilized away big game studios, production companies etc.

The program is also used by virtual fashion designers World Health Organization design 3D clothing for virtual vesture catalogues (specially sports clothing). For real-reality clothing, usually fashion designers use CLO3D since it has a few more tools than MD for actual-world sewing such as wrinkle line allowances, tapping etc.

However, since CLO3D is much more high-priced than MD, close to fashion designers use MD instead, especially for quickly design clothes and visualizing how they would fall and move and appear etc.

Marvelous Interior designer is also used by DAZ/Poseur/SecondLife/Sansar/Renderosity creators World Health Organization make 3D clothing for sale in these marketplaces. We've also had a Word publication company and cover artists purchase our MD preparation to create clothing for 3D characters in use on script covers.

Also, some architects use MD to make pillows, bed covers, towels, curtains, or clothing to hang up in their closets.

Occasionally, I'm surprised by both very unique clients who use MD. Such as a legal philosophy crunchy World Health Organization uses MD to create clothing for 3D crime scene visualization/crime vista reconstruction.

Information technology's a pretty awful program with which you can make up realistic 3D clothing much easier and quicker than 3D sculpting/modeling once you experience how to use MD.

How did you assume 3D?

Away chance event actually! I bed writing stories and have many ideas for comic books, however, I preceptor't yet have the skills to create illustrations for my books.

Incomparable day, I stumbled upon DAZ studio apartment and thought that would beryllium a corking way to create the illustrations. The problem was, the dress they had back then looked horrible. Like plastic ooze. Without a single wrinkle. It was appalling.

After very much of researching online for a solution to make hard-nosed habiliment, I found Incredible Designer.
The problem was, there were No tutorials how to use IT, and I didn't own a clue near sewing.

How long have you been working with Marvelous Designer?

For a long time. I started using Marvelous Designer back when no one in the 3D industry had heard of it. At that prison term, at that place were no tutorials and no courses available. Even the official MD certification was very simple and lacking.

Back then, I was 18 YO and had absolutely no more knowledge about sewing operating theatre pattern making. The only thing I'd e'er sewn in real life was a pair of doll pants (as a kid) and they came out stale I burst out weeping.

It took me months to figure out all the Immigration and Naturalization Service and outs of how to make complete the clothes I wanted in Wonderful Designer. Different kinds of sewing methods, pleating, all types of sleeves, cushioning effects, gathers, carving and formation patterns... after numerous deep nights (and endless clothing blowing up in my face because of some mistake in the stitchery), at final, I down pat IT.

At prototypical, I had no connections in the industry at all. (I didn't know anyone. I hadn't gone to an art school, in fact, I haven't tied finished high school!)

Surprisingly, after I posted my first 3D clothing on my Facebook, someways or another 3D artists ground me and started sending me friend requests.

Everyone was blown out away my 3D clothing and kept asking Maine "wow, how did you make those wrinkles?!"

Then when I told them active Marvelous Designer, they begged ME to make tutorials and waited patiently for months while I recorded and edited them.

And that's how CG Elves was Max Born.

In the beginning, my first students were my Facebook friends who had been with patience ready for Maine to finish the training for months. When they saw the high prime of my courses, they recommended me to their friends who told their friends and then forth.

After that, I promoted CG Elves online using different SEO tactics.

Asides from SEO, I also networked very much on LinkedIn sending requests to totally sorts of people in the industry and reaching out to conclusion makers at studios and yield companies to interest them in my products and education. Since I was a five-year-old kid, I've ever loved sales and marketing, so it didn't scare me to contact strangers.

Lastly, I as wel contacted CEOs of various companies, boastful websites, magazines, and persuaded several to become our partners and further my preparation to their members. Whatsoever of our partners include Reallusion (makers of iClone), SecondLife/Sansar, CG Trader, and Future plc (the company which publishes 3D World magazine), and others.

Where did you learn about SEO and online marketing?

At age 12, I learned a lot about SEO from my female parent who is an online marketing expert and webmaster.

When my momma and I came to the Caribbean she gave me an option. Go to a boring local schooltime or throw in of school and instruct utile skills rather. I chose to leave train and so she taught me SEO and online marketing instead.

Back then as a kid, sometimes I regretted the choice. School would have been less work. Sometimes, I worked 10 hours per Clarence Day on the computer, with hardly a break, including weekends. Just in the end, IT was worth it.

Which marketing tactics did you use?

Content marketing mainly. Writing articles and free 'how to' tutorials. Uploading pictures and videos of my clothes all over possible. That and making free Marvelous Designer tutorials on YouTube.

I also made free 3D models which I promoted in individual Facebook groups and forums.

Additionally, I got some press releases published happening news websites similar ABC6, Wallstreet Select, Academia, AZ Central (part of the U.S.A Today network), Daily Foretel, ABC's 7, NBC Right Nowadays, WallStreet Select, International Business Multiplication etc.

Though honestly, the free Youtube tutorials brought much better results than the press releases.

What were the intense challenges you faced making the Marvelous Designer course?

I'm a bit of a perfectionist (I learned that from my mother). She always taught me to alone make excellent products and never sell anything less. Even the muffins which I sold-out as a child were the best in the City.

So, when I was making the Grand Designer video tutorials, I worked hard to make them perfect. I washed-out way of life too many hours redaction taboo every smallest cough/sniffle/sneeze and speeding astir parts of the videos where the cloth simulation was decelerate so as not to tire viewing audience and waste their clock.

In addition, I likewise worked cleanup the audio from faint background noise and my breathing indeed it would be clear and pleasant for people to listen to.

The second dispute was retaining swell rankings to be launch in Google. Google's algorithmic program keeps changing and one has to keep adding new SEO content to wield rankings in Google.

Was information technology worth the attempt? Would you fare it over again?

Absolutely! The best part of acquiring into 3D was the amazing people I met and befriended.
I'm so grateful to screw them, they are really wondrous guys and great friends.
Maybe it's something about this industry, but I never met so many nice people before.

Even if it wouldn't deliver been meriting it financially, I would have still done it.

Every time a student thanks me operating theater tells Maine how awesome my course is and how much it helped them, it makes me soooo happy. It's a really wonderful feeling to make multitude happy and make up able to help them in their careers.

Lately, one student from a penurious country told me she scarcely got her first job online as a designer because of my training. Made my day.

Asides from that, on the business sense, yes, I think it was worth it. It was successful from the first second I launched it and the recurring income has been supporting us for several years now.

Asides from Mv I don't very need to screw many other tools. For rendering, I know to use Keyshot, Octane Render, and Marmoset Toolbag (love love love Toolbag! IT rocks). As for texturing (I'm non a texture artist) I upright create seamless textures from images of real cloth fabrics.

Asides from those tools, I utilization Camtasia, Premier In favour of, and Audition to edit &A; record my tutorials and clean the audio.

Some years ago, I started to learn ZBrush and I was crazy for it! But and so I got too busy with Terrific Designer and didn't have a chance to retain my ZBrush studies. Cardinal day soon I'll get back to it!

It's very effectual to know Zbrush if you require to add especial décor to your clothing (model a special belt out buckle or buttons) or to sculpt over the clothes and make special stitches etc.

As for texturing for clothing, I recommend Heart and soul Painter.

What is a day in your life like?

Comfortably, after the initial 1.5 years of hard bring on of making the course and promoting it online, I didn't own to arrange overmuch more work for the CG Elves cast. Merely IT's not like I retired!

I'm always busy, studying something or working gruelling on a new project.

After CG Elves, I started learning coding, building Messenger chatbots, and doing online selling campaigns for products of different companies.

As for a regular day in my life – since I live connected a Caribbean island it usually starts with mom and I going to the beach proterozoic in the morning, then having tiffin and opening to work (often until late at night).

To relax before bed, I sentinel Netflix in Russian and Spanish (I'm still learning those languages).

Earlier my beloved dog died, I'd besides aim walks/jogs with him along the beach in the day clock.

Do you think it's better to work out for clients or sell products online?

I think IT's good to do both!

Getting a lin is very important and a great thing for artists.

It gives you awful certification, experience, and connections in the industry. (And a reliable income.)

Level if you want to sell products online, it's useful to have a reliable wage/income soh you father't have to trouble about making money.

IT takes time to promote oneself online and in well-nig cases, you won't be seeing awesome income from daylight one.

Plus, having a job at a meridian studio gives you more certificate which volition help you if you want to sell products online incomparable day.

I in person am a rummy case. Over the days, I got many job offers from top studios and fashion companies, but I never liked the idea of working 9-5 and having a boss. I don't get laid why, but it really stresses me to look upon working for soul.

Thusly, each sentence a companion would take in me to train their teams or make clothes for their movies or games, I'd instead recommend them to buy my training and presets. Which is truly all they need to get their artists trained along Tremendous Architect.

Just father't take me atomic number 3 a saintlike model!

What tips act up you let for artists who privation to deal out products or courses online?

First and foremost, make awesome products. Really awful ones.

If you're presently a student with limited skills, wait until you deliver more than experience and skills before qualification tutorials or products for cut-rate sale.

I've bought so more tutorials from masses that were utterly terrible. Downpla noise so loud you can hardly hear the teacher Oregon a shrieky mike which gives you capitulum aches. A bad teacher who doesn't know what he's teaching and wastes hours going approximately in a circle with "OH no, in reality, that's now how IT's through".

If you make a tutorial, pull through about something you really, really know well and can teach others. Something which others will be glad they bought and will happily urge to their friends.

Word of mouth is a extraordinary form of relinquish merchandising.

When you realise a great product whether it's a preset, 3D model, or tutorial, people will be happy, share information technology, and come backbone to corrupt more from you.

If you make crappy products for sale, people will talk. You'll gravel a stinky reputation and very soon no one will buy from you.

E'er pay a good deal more value back to masses than the money you take aim.

Alright, so after qualification a great ware, find places where you can sell it. Gumroad. Cubebrush. Artstation market. etc.

Many artists I have a go at it sell products without a site, just on Gumroad. Because my mother is a web developer, she assembled the CG Elves web site so we sold the products from there. However, you genuinely don't need a website to start hit (and maybe never).

It's easy to get started selling online. A friend of mine recorded a tutorial within 1.5 hours, (without flatbottom editing it) and then uploaded it for sale on Gumroad. Helium posted about it on his personal Facebook page and made over $1,000 the first day already with hardly any work involved.

One of the best shipway to promote yourself if you Don River't yet have a righteous reputation and followers, is with freebies. Even a few, runty free products or free tutorials.

If you want to sell courses, making freed tutorials is a great way to gain trust. People rear first watch your free tutorials and if they see that you'Re a good teacher and like you, they'll more happily grease one's palms your paid courses.

Information technology happened with me too. At first, atomic number 102 one knew of me and CG Elves. There were many who were hesitant to buy, afraid it would be a neutralize of money. After I made few unimprisoned tutorials, and people saw how well I taught, they matt-up more confident to buy the course.

It's also e'er easier to promote freebies online than paid products. Posting in forums etc. about your paid courses might be seen past some forum moderators or members as annoying advertising.

Expend ab it of time researching online. Make a inclination of complete the places online (so much as forums and websites) where you can promote your freebie or intersection. If you're a VFX artist, spirit for VFX and software forums, Facebook groups, and blogs which drop a line about VFX.

Contact writers at VFX websites/blogs and tell them about your awesome (freebie or product). Persuade them why IT's great and they should tell their readers about it. Fling them a special voucher for their readers or a unique freebee exclusively for the readers of their website.

Do the same with mathematical group owners (Facebook groups, Linkedin groups) and contact the admins of forums. If you can't contact the admins, simply mail service in in hand forums some your freebie (they usually won't be happy if you post just about your paid merchandise but freebies are fine to share and promote).

How to get people to spread the word about your products?

Make a Facebook Thomas Nelson Page and invite your friends. Share freebies on your page. Ask them to share it with their friends.

If you have great stuff, people will happily share it with their friends. I've had happy students share my preparation terminated, Linkedin, Chirrup, FB, forums – without me straight asking them to.

Start a Youtube channel with free tuts. Grow a following.

Position images of your work on Pinterest, Instagram, and all the art portfolio websites like Behance.profit, Artstation of course, CGSociety, DeviantArt, Renderosity galleries, Sansar, DAZ galleries, and any other places you find.

Eventually all this work will pay off when people bulge out to find you online and either hire you surgery buy in your products.

Which portfolio sites are the most important for artists?

In my opinion having accounts on Linkedin, Artstation, and Behance is very important whether you want to follow employed or sell products.

Many artists don't have a Behance. It's a great piazza to station your work since it ranks real high in Google and if you optimise the titles and descriptions of your artworks, you can get base when masses lookup Google.

I've gotten rather a a couple of companies contacting ME for big projects through Behance.
(Tip: Brand sure your Behance account settings are coiffur to send you email notifications about recently messages or you might girl out on some jobs! I did at first.)

Also, join Linkedin groups and carry your work there. Network like crazy!
Exactly past adding people to my network, without actively looking for work, I've had some of the biggest forge companies, online article of clothing shops, and studios contact me on Linkedin for work.

You can also drop a line articles on Linkedin about your freebies and products. Intermediate is also a great place to write articles to advertise your products.

What is the best room for artists to quickly learn Fantastic Designer?

Become a seamstress... just kidding! :P

Some guys get scared when they see the words "sewing" and "patterns".

The truth is, you don't need any formal education (like way school) operating theater any knowledge of sewing to create clothing in Old Line State (still with those scary seam lines).

Of course, having some basic stitchery knowledge power help you, but it's not needed.

Entirely you motivation is to learn how to economic consumption Grand Couturier tools and how to create totally the different kinds of basic wearable. Once you know the basics, you can go loony and make over all type of fantasy rig you want.

Almost every one of my students had no hint how to sew and had ne'er touched a sewing machine in their lives. Or s of them mastered Howling Designer watching my tutorial for only one week and went on to get hired and create even more awing clothes than I ever did!

How does one make over clothing in Extraordinary Clothes designer?

Honourable like in the real life, every clothing item in Marvelous Interior designer is made of different shaped patterns which are sewn together and unreal.

In order to create 3D clothes in MD, you indigence to understand the fundamentals of how to design the patterns, sew together them properly together, and create the right fabric settings to give the apparel a believable hang and a realistic look (in simulations and animations).

Every clothing figure, whether IT's a shirt, sleeves, pants, a dress, surgery a skirt, is designed based on one of the radical kinds of clothing patterns.

On that point are individual main types of patterns for different kinds of clothes. E.g. there are over 12 kinds of sleeves; puffy sleeves, raglan sleeves, dolman sleeves, angel sleeves, open-shoulder joint sleeves, etc etc etc.

When you know the fundamental patterns, you can modification them, make them wider, yearner, add more fabric or little fabric, add special gathers etc. to make the exact look you want.

It all starts with a basic pattern.

How did you learn to create wearing apparel in Marvelous Designer without whatever courses?

Lots and lots of tryout and error and practice. In total, I spent 1 year full time, 6 days a week, often into the night, figuring out how to create all kinds of clothes, from all the common kinds of sleeves to all the types of skirts, shirts, collars, pants, jackets, capes, cloaks, hoods, suits, dresses etc.

What does your course cover?

The training program is complete 52 hours long, cover everything I know and pedagogy footstep-by-step how to create complete kinds of clothes from scratch.

Even total beginners, WHO have no more sewing knowledge and never used Marvelous Couturier ahead, can in a very short time make over great looking for clothes by following my tutorials. One of my students created his first zombie outfit in under a week!

The training starts with an in-profoundness beginners' class that covers the functions and tools in the Marvelous Designer software, As fit American Samoa all the cause's and don'ts.

Once students know how to use the software properly, they volition learn in the intermediate and advanced workshops how to create a great mixture of clothes.

Students will watch how to make different shirts for women and men, as well Eastern Samoa all sorts of collars, cuffs, zippers, buttons, pockets, many kinds of sleeves, several jackets, techniques to score quilting and full puff personal effects, capes and cloaks, hoods and hats, a 3 piece suit with a undershirt and 3 kinds of befit collars, military cargo pants, a military combat shirt and an ship's officer's uniform, many kinds of skirts and dresses, ribbons and a corset with fake hooks and string section. They'll also learn how to make gathered personal effects, as fit as box pleats, accordion pleats, knife pleats and sunburst pleats. And a lot more!

Asides from the training, I also sell a huge library of at the ready-to-use Marvelous Designer garment files, clothing presets, and vivid seamless fabric textures for texturing apparel.

To learn more nigh the Marvelous Designer courses or our huge Marvelous Garment library, visit

Did you receive any feedback from your students?

Lots! :) Here is what some of my students take to say:

"Mastering marvelous designer is an excellent course that guides you step away interfere scholarship one of the tonality software's in any graphic symbol moulding pipeline when it comes to the creation of realistic habiliment.

Starting from the basics of the software, the course gradually introduces you through detailed television tutorials to the creation of patch of clothing of augmentative complexity, in particular the workshop tutorials and theme exercises are extremely helpful to anybody who wants to achieve realistic sounding clothing and garments." – Alessandro Baldasseroni, Character Artist at Riot Games.
"CG Elves has the most comprehensive tutorials on Marvelous Designer that I`ve ever seen! The quality of the courses are awesome.
I definitely commend this for anyone trying to learn Marvelous and the fine art of Cloth making, specially if you'atomic number 75 in the game diligence wish myself." – Glauco Longhi, Character Creative person at Naughty Dog,
"CG Elves contains or s of the best training I've seen. Short, straight forward tutorials that revolve about tasks we need to master as artists. It doesn't perplex a good deal bettor than this training for Marvelous Designer." – Ryan Kingslien. First product manager of ZBrush, founder of ZBrushWorkshops and UArtsy, Certified ZBrush Instructor.

"First one that I found to comprise stimulating and worth watching. Great course! I Already could (make over clothes in MD) but I did apprehend some tricks and byword some great workflows…

Doesn't matter if you're a beginner or a advanced user of Maryland, CG Elves got you covered! Definitely my go to order when it comes to picking upbound tricks and leveling up my MD knowledge."
– Hasan Bajramovic, Character Artist for Blur Studios, Digic Pictures, Axis Liveliness and more.

"That's really what I was looking for. I knew (Doctor of Medicine) a tiny bit before, but I was mad each time I used it, null were employed etc., it was so frustrating. By following the course, I was able to quickly create credible cloths for my characters (within 1st workweek). Extremely advisable for artists!"
– Arthur Gatineau, Character Artist.

"I conceive that Camille tutorials are the to the highest degree extensive Miraculous Designer tutorials ever made, she covers everything in the application literally, and her pedagogy way is extremely simple.
I would recommend her tutorials for each 3D character artists, they are the best online!"
– Eyad Hussein, Character Technical Manager at Sony Pictures Imageworks.

What skills appear to be wanting only too often?

Anyone who puts in sufficiency time and effort throne become very good at whatever they do. So the best means to get the skills you need is to learn from everyone you canful, unconfined tutorials, paid courses, and pattern, practice, practise!

Describe a project brief that you'd recommend artists create for their portfolio

For Marvelous Designer, I think the most important affair is to show that you can create many types of wearable. Not just 1 or two simple dresses. But all sorts of shirts and bloomers and clothes. Fantasy clothes. Casual clothing. Military clothes.  etc. A variety of diverse garments to show off your abilities.

When looking 3D artists who knew Maryland whom I could institutionalize extra form to, some people applied with a very poorly portfolio with just a render of the default MD dress which comes for free with the program Beaver State combined baggy shirt which anyone could make. Non impressive.
(And a few even practical with renders of my ain clothes!)

If you're active to apply to jobs and claim to know how to create 3D clothes, wear't retributory steal/use someone else's garments and say you did information technology. Information technology won't help, because even if you get the job based on a pretty render of someone else's clothes, you won't be able to keep the subcontract for long.

So, the short of it, learn to be really good at whatever you do, show your best works (and As many as possible) and then you'll find exploit.

What mistakes do you see artists making when applying for jobs

Oh male child... there's no short account this one.

Along with my mamma, I've hired, supervised, and interviewed 100s of people in various industries since I was 17.

Common mistakes I've seen:

  • Rude or angry citizenry. At least try to be polite when applying to a job and if you don't immediately hear back from the employer, don't bombard them with angry survey up emails. Maybe they fair didn't manage to vex to your application yet!
  • People who finger very inner and make it clear that they'll accept the wage but don't neediness to act. Some applications were arsenic short equally: "okay, you arse bear me" with no other information at all!
  • People who ever-present themselves poorly.
  • Poor portfolios with hardly any examples. Some people implement without a portfolio, and when one requests their portfolio operating theatre some info about their work experience, they aver "I don't have got a portfolio but I can do it!". It's comparable saying, I put on't have a medical degree but trust Pine Tree State, I'm a great sawbones soh hire me please.
  • Unbelievable high pay expectations. Doomed, there's nothing wrong with wanting to bring in a operative wage, but asking for something that's 5x or 10x the average remuneration International Relations and Security Network't realistic.
  • Misspelling the HR individual's name five-fold times. (Doesn't look estimable. Makes one question how good that person's attention to detail will personify when He works on a task.)

My advice:

  • Always be friendly and refined. Include a salutation in your electronic mail. Puddle sure (double check it necessary) that you correctly spelled the person's name whom you're talking with.
  • Sign your name at the end of the electronic mail. Sometimes, I didn't know how to address an applier who didn't mention his name anyplace and had an netmail dea with some fantasy puppet's nominate.
  • Enjoyment a spellchecker or the free Grammarly web browser university extension. It looks bad to post a lin application program full of unnecessary typos. Sure, not everyone has perfect English and that's fine, but it only takes a 2d to castigate typos using a spell checker.
  • Prepare a great portfolio before applying to a caper.

For more career and job application advice, I recommend to cheque Allan McKay's podcasts. He has many great free ones with tips how to get hired.

And of course, once you get hired, always do your best, follow honest, and don't try to chisel your employer by playacting games along your phone operating room suspension out on Facebook all Clarence Shepard Day Jr. all-night during turn time.

If you could impart one bit of advice to artists starting out, what would it constitute?

Watch as a lot as you can, do a good deal, and network. Avoid wasting away time connected social unless it's for a good intellect like networking or growth a following. If you count all the hours you pass on social every day, you'll probably live popeyed how many tens of hours it adds up to each month. Hours which you could use to improve your skills and amaze a job quicker!

Camille Kleinman is a leading Marvelous Designer trainer, Co-Founder of, artist, film writer, online marketer, and a click devotee.

She's also a contributor at, Wikipedia, BuzzFeed, Kinja, Intuit, and has graphical articles published happening Associated Content (a Yahoo! News program partner), eHow, WikiHow, Academia, Instructables, as well as press releases publicized on news websites such as ABC6, Daily Herald, Wallstreet Choose, Silicon Investor, Fox 14, and many another more.

Camille loves writing, macro photography, extreme sports, fantasise, horror, and animals.

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How To Make Money With Marvelous Designer


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