
How To Make Money As A Street Photographer

Asiattic says:

Mug your subjects?
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Andrej_Filev says:

empty your pockets i'll shoot ya
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mixed mice [dihapus] bilang:

shot during the day, be a prostitute at night
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krameroneill says:

It makes up about 1% of my annual income, and I'm one of the lucky ones.
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shveckle says:

if shot during the day, it might be hard to prostitute at night from a hospital bed or the morgue.
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Jim O'Connell says:

Sell your pictures to someone. That might be the most straightforward way.
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srhje says:

in the city, you can pay them to take their picture. maybe you need to fill something out for a spot but its worth it i guess
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benroberts says:


i think the original poster was wanting to make money, not spend money. just a thought.
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toong_bo says:
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Paul Russell99 says:

He he. Yes.
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~~David says:

Sell your cameras? :-)
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migrant says:

marry a rich girl
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Andrej_Filev says:
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familiar lip [dihapus] bilang:

no way.
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ispeakphoto (out of commission) says:

Become a pro tennis player, train rigorously day-after-day, travel the world living out of a suitcase, get up early every morning and go to bed late most nights, win the grand slam, then take up street photography.... much easier

Conversely ask Tiger Woods to endorse you!
Hell, ask Nike well you're at it.
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Will Herz says:

try to find money in the ground, maybe?
or get a stool, a small collapsible table and make a sign: "photographs: 25 cents"
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mixed mice [dihapus] bilang:


I assume that one is a better shooter
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mixed mice [dihapus] bilang:

Your photography has nothing to do with money that You can make on it. It's all down to your ability to run a successful business. Almost nothing depends on the quality of your photography.
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Mark_H says:

Get wrongfully arrested for shooting in public, then sue the city the cop works for. A guy here in Seattle made $8,000 that way.
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mixed mice [dihapus] bilang:

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e.g.gatsby says:

hahaha.. now that's cool, I'll try shooting cops and see if they'll arrest me ;)
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local man says:

you can try and sell suck offs.
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Jim O'Connell says:

Take polaroids of couples heading into seedy motels at lunchtime. You may find them very happy to pay top dollar for those photos.
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curdiogenes adalah administrator grup curdiogenes says:

Nat a bad idea Jim, mind if I appropriate it....?
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WinstonG says:

I always carry copies of "the Big Issue"
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BennehBoy says:

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!Jinju says:

Halos wont sell.
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ceaseless oven [dihapus] bilang:

get a monkey and charge people to have their picture taken with it.

this also works, for elephants, bears, famous footballers, porn stars or nice looking cakes.
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~Joe~ says:

this is getting dum
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ceaseless oven [dihapus] bilang:

well the initial question is pretty dumb to start with (sorry):

"how to get any money from street photography?"

sell a single print.

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Andrej_Filev says:

you're genius
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Mark_H says:

Okay I'm going to bump this back to life because I'm curious - is there any kind of market for street prints? Suppose you were to print a dozen or two of your best images and put them on display at a swap meet - would anyone buy them?

If you have made any money at all from street photography, what form did the product take, books, prints?

Do some types (phyla) of street photography sell better than others?
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King Mason says:

Prints alone, eh, even as someone with a pretty good appreciation and understanding of street photography, I dunno if I want strangers staring at me from my walls. Obviously it depends on the photographer's style and the individual image, but I can think of plenty of street photos that I like, but wouldn't want prints of. I'd imagine you would have an easier time selling a peopled landscape type shot, or a visual pun, than an in your face Gilden-esque one. From talking to other people who "like" photography, but don't spend all damn day on flickr or out shooting, I've heard similar reactions. I was in a show last year with a bunch of other photographers that had thousands of people come through the opening. My shot didn't sell and neither did the couple others that I'd qualify as street. I've always thought books are a way better format and would probably sell better. If only it wasn't such a pain in the ass to make a quality book.

So, in summation, I have no idea.
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flat5 says:

a sweet book, a marketable persona, and 1helluva artist statement?

or maybe just the last 2?

so, in summation, i have no idea.
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full finger [dihapus] bilang:

Hard : Find a Gallery who will accept to represent you in fronf of their collector !

Possible : If you know a really good talker and seller, open a gallery !
(Good commercial, are gourou , they could sell some shit and make the buyers really happy about it ! )

Selling art is a manupulation and a taste construction :
- look at the fake art of Jeff Koons , how much it s easy for him to sell a plastic bag with some painting, he find on the street ! just because it signed Jeff Koons some Jerk will say i love it !!! How he manage to do that and Why it works , there are the question ?
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Dr Karanka says:

@el ayari: find a gallery that has collectors
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ceaseless oven [dihapus] bilang:

what about some sort of workshop? I hear that goes down well, especially in some far off country with a sprinkling of disaster thrown in for good measure?
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(deaf mute) says:

Dr Karanka Are prints of Mr Dench's photos available for sale at your exhibition? How about postcards?

I've never tried selling a print, but I reckon I could sell give away about 5 copies of a Blurb book if I spent 6 months working on it. :(
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(deaf mute) says:

Mark_H Nick Turpin sold 2000 copies of "Publication", but even at 15 quid a pop I doubt he or the photographers involved made anything more than beer money. It seems to me that all the best "artistic" street photographers have to have other incomes, often via commercial/advertising commissions.
Martin Parr must be worth a (small) fortune, though, what with his 30+ photo books.
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Paul Russell99 says:

@ Arty -- I bet that 99% of Parr's income comes from commissions (esp. advertising) and print sales. I don't think a photographer will get very rich via his or her books!
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David Solomons says:

@ Arty - I don't think Publication has sold out just yet and everyone involved as far as I know didn't receive any payment for their contribution.
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sweet distin says:

there's a bjp article this week about getting representation..
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_Pachinko_ says:

It would be interesting to know who Nick Turpin sold the book to. I bet it was all street photographers, I dont think there's a serious market for street photography books outside this target group. Also someone who's looking for such a book can also get 500 pages full of Robert Frank for $35, thats one helluva competition to beat.

What else is there? Stock/commercial? No model releases, forget it.

Art prints in galleries? Man thats such a bizarre world I'm not even gonna discuss it. Good luck to anyone trying to make money like that.

Realistically the best way and what normally happens is to use your street portfolio as a showcase and hope that somebody will appreciate it, then make yourself available for assignments.

Or just do a wedding a week. With heaps of bokeh, vignette and selective desaturation.
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_Pachinko_ says:

Make that $50 for "looking in: Robert Frank's the Americans", I forgot I bought mine used.
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Paul Russell99 says:
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Chris_Malcolm says:

Run a workshop on how to get your photographs accepted into HCSP.
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absent basin [dihapus] bilang:

I agree with King Mason. Prints of street photography are not going to be very marketable. I would kind of say the same thing for portraits. In general, I think many people would feel weird having strangers staring at them on their wall.

I always thought this was interesting too:

Given all the data above, my conclusion from this non-scientific, assumption-heavy analysis is that there are at most 5000 active collectors who spend meaningful amounts of money on photography on an annual basis. I think we can also conclude that there are likely another 5000 or so collectors who are less active and commit fewer dollars each year. All in, 10000 total collectors is the biggest number we can defend with any meaningful credibility, and even that number might be a stretch. - How Many Photography Collectors Are There?

How many of them do you think collect street photography from un-represented artists?

The other path would be that of 1,000 true fans. I'm a believer in this model but for the visual arts and especially photography it's going to be tough unless you're working in a popular, accessible genre. But you'd need to sell a high volume of prints. And even then, you're not really making much profit considering the amount of work you put into materials, labor, marketing, etc.

Probably the best way to make money through street photography is to photograph weddings..
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(deaf mute) says:

_Pachinko_ I'd be surprised if a portfolio of street shots leads to well paid commercial work (such as weddings or assignments). I think most of the "pro" street photographers (other than Magnums) do street mainly for "fun" in their spare time.
One thing that hasn't been mentioned is competitions. While winning a £5,000 bursary (via something like the BJP) isn't gonna make you rich, it can at least help pay for travel expenses, back-up cameras, film etc if you've got a long term project that may be worthy of an exhibition or book.

Let's face it, the average hack photographer at the local paper is going to earn more from their photography than most people in this group.
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ceaseless oven [dihapus] bilang:

I wouldn't call what a photographer does at a local paper "their photography". I've never felt like it was.
Probably because I wasn't finding the stories and actually becoming invested in them, it was just a job.

So seeing that stuff on the front page gave me nothing because I didn't see it as my work.

Some people do get excited tho, maybe they love doing that sort of work (sitting outside court all day waiting for some loser to come by and you to take their picture and then getting the hell out of the place), but it's not the sort of photography I want to look at let alone take.

at this moment in time I'd probably consider an office job to support my work rather than working on a paper full time.
I'll probably change my mind 20 times over in the next year tho :)
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Zisis Kardianos says:

The way I found to get some money from my street photography is to publish work on a travel/geographic magazine.
It obviously hasn't make me rich or "famous" and I don't even look at it as a way to subsidy my income but merely as a way to finance my travels and personal photography.
The last couple of years having done 5 stories for cities in the south Europe, I received about 8.000€.
(Mind you, this is with text included. No text, half money)
Another positive is that I don't have to worry about model releases since it is editorial.
I don't know how relevant is the question whether this is "my street photography" and whether the pictures published are streaming form a personal edit?
The answer to both questions is "for the most part yes" but not always.

These are not assignments. Neither is commercial.
The magazine is a Saturday supplement in a national newspaper in Greece, similar to NatGeo kind of thing.
I choose the place, the time, the subject, everything. I wander about looking for the things that interest me, but occasionally I snap some cliche shots.
When I prepare the story, I mixed those with some personal favs and hope for the best.
What the heck. Is not perfect but it pays the travel bills. Doing it, I also get some exposure that might lead to some assignments.
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_Pachinko_ says:

Αrty it does happen, it does not result in weddings obviously but all sorts of other assignments. Not talking from personal experience (I'm not even available for such a thing anyway) but I've heard others mention that they get work like that from people who want to bring their street style to a commercial project. Magnum is obviously a different league but what about Paolo Pelegrin's "Great performers":
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(deaf mute) says:

_Pachinko_ How did Pellegrin get his big break though? His Magmum biog lists a series of competitions he won early in his career. It seems he came out of nowhere to win a WPP Award in 1994, with a picture taken in Uganda for Agence Vu. He's evidently been working as a photo-journalist since then. Would he have taken his amateur portfolio to Vu and they said "Great, we want you to be a member. Here's your press pass and a ticket to Kampala"?
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_Pachinko_ says:

LOL no idea... TBH I have no clue about Magnumians and how they got there. However I met with a member of In-Public recently and he mentioned that he often gets commercial work from people who have only seen his street work. I think Jim O'Connell also mentioned something similar in the past, and many more examples I can think of. I mentioned Pellegrin as an example because it seems to me that they could've gone anywhere elsoe to get the "three-softboxes-and-a-ring-flash" kind of photo, they abviously wanted something different. It happens.
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Tony Martin (NT) says:

Selling cigarettes to winos gets me a few bucks ;)
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ceaseless oven [dihapus] bilang:

Pellegrin isn't a street photographer putting his pictures on flickr wondering how to get money from it.
He's a photojournalist, working for an agency, he's no doubt had previous experience with the new york times so that'd be where they thought of him for the work? obviously just presuming here :)

I've only ever had one job through my "street" work.
I was hired by 442 magazine for an editorial piece as a result of some of my untitled sports work. They found the work on my personal site.

They wanted me to bring the same style of that to their piece. Although they wanted it in colour. By the end of it the direction I was pressured to go in produced work far detached from what I believed the original brief was. But they were happy with the results (even if I wasn't completely) and it paid well enough so I didn't mind.
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versed wind [dihapus] bilang:

King Mason says:

Ah, so all I have to do is sell my prints for thousands of dollars. I've been doing it all wrong this whole time!
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benroberts says:


it looks like flickr explore.
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versed wind [dihapus] bilang:



He sold about 45 prints, two kind of price 600 Euros/1000 euros the prints.

Apparently that's the sort of street photography that sell...
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Mark_H says:

That's close to what I was thinking, that the images look like the take on street photography you might find at Bed, Bath & Beyond.
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Dr Karanka says:

maybe if you make categories out of his pictures...
a) images that show a single person running, walking or jumping
b) other
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bustling icicle [dihapus] bilang:

I really enjoyed looking at his site and really liked his images.
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bustling icicle [dihapus] bilang:

To me they just seemed simple images that are pleasing to the eye.
I would be happy to have a print of one on my wall.
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_Pachinko_ says:

Υeah... at some stage everybody has to decide if they want to do interior decoration, art prints for collectors, or photography. It seems to me these are three separate categories with very little overlapping.

Re the 2nd category and how bizarre it is: I was reading about a photographer who makes photographs of sun trails directly on paper:
His photos are often little more than white lines (or even burns) on black paper. Regardless of their merit, his prints rarely go for under $1k each, main reason being that they are unique and no copies can be made (no film). This is the type of factor that determines value in the art print world. The most important factor of course is how big the name of the artist on display, if its big enough anything is good for selling. Even parking spaces:
Comes in a wedding album too if anyone is interested.
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Mark_H says:

"maybe if you make categories out of his pictures...
a) images that show a single person running, walking or jumping
b) other "

Dude! MY pictures fall into those same two categories! Hallelujah, I'm gonna be rich!
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purring egg [dihapus] bilang:

I really liked some of his images..
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KJ3 apparently says:

Not something I personally like, but he has that elusive 'what would look good on the wall' thing going. I don't know what it is but it seems to be a certain quality of being just challenging enough to keep you awake and pretty enough not to offend. Only not quite as bland as that. No roughage ;-) The stuff of Posters back in the day. What ever happened to poster shops? I only noticed recently that they just don't exist any more. . .
Good luck to him for making money out of his photography anyway.
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Nick_Turpin says:

I've always said that street photography is the least commercial of all the strategies of picture making out there...even photojournalists pictures are about a subject and people can kind of get their head around publishing or exhibiting it. But the street photographers series of random unconnected moments is hard to place commercially unless, like Marc Montméat above, or perhaps Trent Parke, your work has a visual signature that holds them all together in a different way.

Street Photographers tend to have to move towards one of the borders of street photography to make a living, towards the border with Photojournalism or the Art world or, like me, the commercial Ad/design world...this move inevitably means a compromise in your work which is regrettable.

I personally use the 'Robin Hood' model, stealing from my rich commercial work to pay for my poor street photography shooting and publishing. But its always a difficult balance to make.

Not everyone is cut out for commercial work anyway, I feared when I started in-public that creating an organisation that promoted my peers would have an impact on my commercial commissions but that has not been the case, there have only ever been three of the in-public photographers who have had the required demeanor, confidence and understanding of the industry to make a good living also shooting Ads and design projects.

Although commercial work has allowed me to fund the launch of PUBLICATION, the magazine is not really a money making venture, I see it as a kind of newsletter for the unofficial community of passionate and obsessive street photographers like myself.

I think to make a living as a photographer and more specifically as a street photographer one has to have ones fingers in many pies, commissions, print sales, teaching and perhaps self publishing....but if you want to make money, generally street photography is the wrong profession.
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Metrix X says:

Give up street photography, take art shots to sell in a gallery and because you will have loads of spare time but little money take to mugging street photographers in your spare time. You know they must have some money because they didn't get those fancy cameras from the proceeds of street photography. :)
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gumanow says:

setup a website and spell the name wrong. then charge people an annual fee of $25 to join. Pretty soon its a huge business and Yahoo! will buy it. Then shoot all day long and don't worry about money.
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full finger [dihapus] bilang:

I do believe that hardcore street photography could sell the picture they choose, ! I don t know many group where there is this level of photography , this emulsion , this influence , this life going .
The threads are always working , question , answer , fight , passion.... .
There is something there usable, good young generation of photographer using the old strong influnce from their father, to try to make someking new from it , great selection of pictures ,something sure and deep, spirit, and some humour sometime !
i don t know exactly how but I believe something is possible !
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full finger [dihapus] bilang:

An idea:
If you make a group called for example : hardcore street photography for sale
You ll ve to write down on hcsp that the user who the photo belong to ve been accepted if he want or would like could sell the photo, he ll just ve to write a mail to a defined adminis .
Then the photo will be also put in the new group , hcspfs :
It ve to be only selcted photo from hcsp as a mark of quality , and recognization.
Then you could put some date for different selling of the photo on ebay , with a reserve the photogrraph and hcsp would ve defined reasonable and fixed .( it ve to reasonable ! )
The photo must be print in a correct size with the signature of the artist and the number of edition. ( not a lot of edition is the best for selling )
Also to pay the adminis who work on this you ll ask for a resaonable % of the photos .

Why this could works :
because hcsp adminis choices is 95 % of the time good .
Because hcsp ve a potential of 30 000 users in the group .
And If the reserved prize to met is correct then i m sure a lot of people would be glad to buy a real photo for a good prize . won't you ?
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benroberts says:

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full finger [dihapus] bilang:

Hi Ben , No you wouldn't be happy to buy a photo from an artist from hcsp ? Or Hcsp will never do such a project ?
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benroberts says:

a knowledge of the buying market for photography, and of the logistics involved in print sales (particularly internationally) will most likely kill this idea dead in the water. i haven't really got the time to go into it.
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Dr Karanka says:

@el ayari: I think it would make sense if hcsp made use of some of these revenues (say to publish a book or put up an exhibition), as a shop, I doubt it
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full finger [dihapus] bilang:

@benroberts , i m sure you ve a bigger experience than me in that !As I m a little specialized in International politics and economy as i m graduated from Science Politics,....., and i know by experience that in fact there s a huge difference between honorable fantasm and reality !

@Dr Karanka , a book or a art exhibition would be great , i know a gallery in Paris in Bastille, if one day , hcsp is looking for a gallery in France, and you also ve a gallery now the 3rd floor gallery, wich is great !
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flat5 says:

flickr would shut it down..
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last support [dihapus] bilang:

Well, from what I understand, no publications will publish much without a model release, so probably, the best way to make money in street photography is to give up street photography and switch to a more marketable genre. Then, shoot street for fun and post it to Flickr. Lol
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benroberts says:

hello mr freelance photographer, you're wrong about your model release assumption as well by the way.
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photoboy909 says:

I love Street Photography
23 bulan yang lalu (permalink)

Jan Jespersen says:

Make a youtube channel. It is almost the only way for anything today regarding photography...
21 bulan yang lalu (permalink)

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How To Make Money As A Street Photographer


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